How Not to Study Abroad: Volume 1

I would say that I do not have many talents. I have never been very good at games – real life or virtual – or anything artistic, I can’t play any instruments and I don’t do anything exceptionally well. But since a young age, I have been an outstanding procrastinator. I don’t know whether it is genetics, my (sometimes) crippling fear of failure or a combination of both, but I can put stuff off like a Greek God.

Continue reading “How Not to Study Abroad: Volume 1”


One flight, a layover, another flight, three train changes, one missed train, a bus and a two mile walk whilst rolling an 82 kilogram suit case over cobblestone streets later … and I’m finally moved into my room in the Netherlands!

I am currently in a double room with my roommate, Maddie, in a guesthouse that is very similar to my freshman residence hall living arrangements at SDSU. The similarities stop at the physical appearance, however.

Continue reading “Home”

Goodbye San Diego and Hallo Nederland

After I graduated high school, I answered my relative’s repetitive question, “Are you excited to go to college?” with a thoughtless “yes, Auntie.” However, when I look back on that, I wasn’t excited at all. In fact, I was a nervous wreck and terrified of everything college had to offer — the food, people, classes, teachers, etc.

More specifically, I was horrified of living in the residence halls. From hearing stories of unsanitary items left in the communal showers (I won’t go into detail), to nightmare tales of spiteful room mates, I was not at all eager for the roller coaster I was about to ride. I truly felt as though I was waiting in a never-ending line for Déjà Vu at Magic Mountain the first few months before move in day. Continue reading “Goodbye San Diego and Hallo Nederland”

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